Are you a card-sender? I enjoy sending cards to many people on a regular basis and knowing that I am brightening up someone's day when my card is found in their mailbox! Included on my list are: my mom, my son & his family who live hundreds of miles away, my aunt who is in an Alzheimer's care facility, a man from our church who is in a nursing home, friends & family who are celebrating birthdays. And I like to make extra cards to have on hand to send to people as thank-you notes or just to say "hello".
SIMPLE STAMPING TIP #2 --- Stamp a stack of cards each month to have ready to send.
Last Sunday afternoon I sat down at my desk with these supplies and made eight of the cards that are pictured above. I usually try to make cards that go along with the particular month, as far as colors or themes. Sometimes I make both masculine & feminine cards.
Here is a closer look at the stamp set that I used. Wood Words is a new set in this year's annual catalog. I bought this set because of it's versatility and it's rustic charm. In fact, I am planning to feature this set again next week here on the blog, on a scrapbook page.
Another item that I used was the blue gingham ribbon, another new item in this year's catalog. This ribbon says "summer" to me and I know that I will be using it on many other cards.
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I know I'm gonna enjoy your new blog.